Viewing 0 current events matching “programming languages” by Date.

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Viewing 300 past events matching “programming languages” by Date.

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Jul 21, 2010
PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Emerging Languages Camp/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup

It's the third Wednesday of the month, so it's time for PDX Django! It's also OSCON, which means there are lots of visitors. So instead of a normal meeting, we're having a special PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup.

Same time and place (mostly) as usual:

Wednesday, May 21st, 7 PM 1227 NW Davis St (across from the North Face store, look for the big leather chairs in the window). We'll either be downstairs in PIE, or upstairs in the Urban Airship offices.

There will be beverage.

Edit: The fine folks from the Emerging Languages Camp will also be joining us!

Aug 11, 2010
Portland State University Haskell Interest Group [PHIG]
Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

The PSU Haskell Interest Group is intended to provide a meeting place for PSU students and others who are users and developers of the Haskell programming language. Nothing too structured; brief talks and a chance to meet and discuss.

Dec 15, 2011
Galois Tech Talk: Frenetic: A Network Programming Language
Galois, Inc

Presented by Nate Foster.

The languages used to program networks today lack modern features. Programming them is a complicated task, and outages and infiltrations are frequent. We believe it is time to develop NETWORK PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES with the following essential features:

  • High-level abstractions that give programmers direct control over the network, allowing them to specify what they want the network to do without worrying about how to implement it.

  • Compositional constructs that facilitate modular reasoning about programs.

  • Portability, allowing programs written for one platform to be used with different devices.

  • Rigorous semantic foundations that precisely document the meaning of the language and provide a basis for building formal verification tools.

The Frenetic language addresses these challenges in the context of OpenFlow networks. It combines a streaming declarative query sub-language and a functional reactive sub-language that, together, provide many of the features listed above. Our implementation handles many low-level packet-processing details and keeps traffic in the "fast path" whenever possible.

Feb 29, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building, Room 155

Dale Henrichs will talk about using Git to store Monticello packages and Metacello configurations. There may also be presentations about using combinator parsers in Pharo and using Smalltalk in VMWare's Cloud Foundry.

A group of us will probably go for a beer or two afterwards

Jul 31, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
VMware Beaverton

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations.

Nov 27, 2012
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations, and a discussion of trait composition as applied to classes.

Jan 29, 2013
Portland Smalltalk Users
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations

Jul 30, 2013
Portland Smalltalk Users
GemTalk Systems

Discussion of all things related to the Smalltalk programming language and environment. Open to all interested.

Expected to include several short presentations

Mar 27, 2014
PDX Rust: A(n abridged) tour of the Rust compiler
New Relic

Come and listen to some guy ramble about the innards of the Rust compiler. Free beer & pizza for all!

Mar 5, 2016
Programming Languages I've Been Meaning To Try But Haven't Gotten Around To Yet

PLIBMTTBHGATY (Programming Languages I've Been Meaning To Try But Haven't Gotten Around To Yet) is a lightly-structured party where people get together and work on a project in a new programming language, either with or just near each other.

This all started with the realization that plenty of people have a side-project in mind to work on, that it's more fun to work together, and that many of us are just waiting for a good excuse to get started.

See the main website for more information, or Eventbrite to RSVP!

Dec 12, 2016
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Functional Discussions
Collective Agency Downtown Website
Jan 26, 2017
Code Oregon - Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: GitHub Workshop
The Tech Academy

Join us at The Tech Academy for the next installment of Code Oregon Careers. 

We will be going over the very basics of GitHub and how you can use it to help you stand out in the market place. Both new and experienced users of GitHub will benefit from this presentation. You do not need prior experience with GitHub to attend.

We will be providing pizza and beverages, so please RSVP to help us plan and prepare accordingly. 


• 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (networking + Pizza and beverages) 

• 6:30 p.m. Overview of Code Oregon Careers 

• 6:35 p.m. Presentation on the basics of GitHub and how to maximize it to help you stand out in the job market.

• 8:00 p.m. Q & A

Jan 27, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - The Tech Academy Tech Talk with Dr. Brent Wilson from George Fox University
The Tech Academy

Come hang out with your fellow coding enthusiasts at The Tech Academy! 

Join us at The Tech Academy, Friday, January 27, at 11:45 a.m. for a Tech Talk with Dr. Brent Wilson. 

The pizza will be arriving around 11:45 a.m. Dr. Wilson will eat lunch and socialize with attendees. The Tech Talk begins at 1:00 p.m. Followed by a Q&A.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you!

Feb 1, 2017
Portland F# Meetup Group - Organizational Meeting

I need to double-check with the location's availability still, but I'm pretty sure they'll be able to accommodate us.  I'll also have an update with instructions on how to enter the building after hours.

At this meetup, we need to identify and empower a new organizational team. 

I'm recommending that we have four active members with the privileges to schedule and conduct meetups.  This should distribute the burden of identifying topics, picking dates and times and securing locations in such a way that we capture productivity at the moment of inspiration and not obligation.  If that last bit didn't make sense, come to the meetup and I'll explain how that works.


Feb 7, 2017
Galois tech talk: Rust - from POPL to practice
Galois Inc

abstract: In 2015, a language based fundamentally on substructural typing–Rust–hit its 1.0 release, and less than a year later it has been put into production use in a number of tech companies, including some household names. The language has started a trend, with several other mainstream languages, including C++ and Swift, in the early stages of incorporating ideas about ownership. How did this come about?

Rust’s core focus is safe systems programming. It does not require a runtime system or garbage collector, but guarantees memory safety. It does not stipulate any particular style of concurrent programming, but instead provides the tools needed to guarantee data race freedom even when doing low-level shared-state concurrency. It allows you to build up high-level abstractions without paying a tax; its compilation model ensures that the abstractions boil away.

These benefits derive from two core aspects of Rust: its ownership system (based on substructural typing) and its trait system (a descendant of Haskell’s typeclasses). The talk will cover these two pillars of Rust design, with particular attention to the key innovations that make the language usable at scale. It will highlight the implications for concurrency, where Rust provides a unique perspective. It will close out with a discussion of Rust’s development process and design considerations around language and library evolution.

bio: Aaron Turon is Research Engineering Manager for the Rust team at Mozilla. He received his PhD from Northeastern University, where he studied programming language design, program verification, and low-level concurrency. His dissertation was awarded the SIGPLAN John C. Reynolds Doctoral Dissertation Award in 2014. After his PhD studies, he continued his research in concurrency verification and programming techniques as a postdoc at MPI-SWS. He joined Mozilla in 2014, and has played an active role in Rust’s development since then.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - The Tech Academy Social Networking Night
The Tech Academy

Join The Tech Academy for a fun evening of networking and socializing!

Come test your skills at Foosball and ping pong with other great tech enthusiasts! There will be free beer, pizza and fun! Who doesn't love fun?

All are welcome!

We hope to see you there!

Feb 17, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - The Tech Academy Tech Talk with Dan Heilman of Cox Automotive Inc.
The Tech Academy

Come hang out with your fellow coding enthusiasts at The Tech Academy! 

Join us at The Tech Academy, Friday, February 17th, at 1:00 p.m. for a Tech Talk with Dan Heilman, Sr. Engineering Manager at Cox Automotive Inc. He will do a Q&A and discuss his experience as a Software Engineer and Scrum Master. There will be pizza and beverages!

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you!

Feb 20, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 1 and Data Parallelism
Collective Agency Downtown

This is the first month of our new format, based on discussion following the survey: The first half will be geared toward beginners, and the second half will be geared toward more advanced material.

For the next several months the beginner material will be a series of lessons in the Haskell programming language. We will be following Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 syllabus ( So bring a laptop, or just follow along. Between months you are encouraged to work on the assignments and we will review them. Lyle will be leading the lecture this month.

This month's advanced talk will be delivered by Leif, who will be following up his discussion of data parallelism in Spark (Scala) and Haskell.

Mar 1, 2017
PDXRust - PDXRust March 2017: Nick Fitzgerald on Interfacing Foreign Functions with Rust
Mozilla Corp

For the first PDXRust of 2017, Rust Bindgen [1] hacker Nick Fitzgerald will explain how to get the rest of the world talking to Rust!

There'll be plenty of time for questions and meeting other local Rustaceans, as well.b

Remember, we follow the Rust Code of Conduct. No food is provided at the meetup, though you're welcome to bring food with you or head for dinner afterward with a group of new friends.


Mar 3, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - The Tech Academy Tech Talk w/ Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist
The Tech Academy

Come hang out with your fellow coding enthusiasts at The Tech Academy! Join us at The Tech Academy on Friday, March 3rd at 1:00 p.m. for a Tech Talk with Rick Turoczy of Silicon Florist. Rick is one of the most knowledgeable around when it comes to the Portland startup community, so this is sure to be a great time! As always we will supply food and beverages.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you!

Mar 13, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 2
Collective Agency Morrison

This month, Echo will be leading us through Haskell Lesson 2 (Week 2 at! The category theory talk has been rescheduled for April.

Apr 5, 2017
PDXRust - Lightning Talks & Hack Time
Mozilla Corp

No main talk today, so we'll have some opportunities to share neat Rust things and then time to work on your code, get help, and help others.

Rustaceans of all levels of experience are welcome to attend!

Apr 10, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 3 and Category Theory
Collective Agency Downtown

This meeting continues our Haskell lesson series with Echo delivering Lesson 3 on Recursion Patterns, Polymorphism, and the Prelude from Brent Yorgey's CIS194 course (

Lyle will give an introduction to category theory, a theory about mathematical structures and their relationships, which has applications in functional programming.

The meeting will be at Collective Agency in the Tiffany Center - the same place as the February meeting. The elevator is expected to be restored to operation by then. (UPDATE: Elevator service to the 8th floor has not yet been restored, so you will have to walk from the 4th floor.) Someone will wait in the lobby to let you in as the front doors are locked after 6. The meeting is on the 8th floor.

Apr 28, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk - The History of Women in Tech
The Tech Academy

All are welcome!

Featured Speaker: Morgan Senkal - Senior Software Developer and Scrummaster @ Metal Toad

Morgan will give a talk on the history of women in tech - raising awareness around some of the amazing women on whose shoulders we now stand. 

The talk is about 40 minutes long, with a little bit of trivia at the end.

We will provide pizza, soda, water and fresh coffee for the event. Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone!

We look forward to seeing you!

May 3, 2017
PDXRust - The Tokio Execution Model, with Carl Lerche
Mozilla Corp

Tokio, backed by the Rust futures library, has a unique execution model. The talk will do a deep dive, explaining the context, rational, and how it is implemented

Tokio author Carl Lerche will  explain how the tokio-core reactor is implemented. Attendees will have an easier time following along if they've read Rust's beginner documentation, but no prior knowledge of Tokio or futures is required.

PDXRust does not provide food, though you're welcome to bring food with you or head to dinner with other Rustaceans afterwards. 

We follow the Rust Code of Conduct.

May 5, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk - Building Meaningful Relationships with Claudia Knauer
The Tech Academy

Claudia is a second generation IT staffing, services and solutions professional. She has held positions in management, sales and recruiting for Fortune 100 and 500 companies on the West Coast.

She will be joining us on Friday, May 5th, to share how to build meaningful relationships as a foundation for a successful career.

Everyone is welcome!

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

May 6, 2017
Programming Languages I've Been Meaning To Try But Haven't Gotten Around To Yet

PLIBMTTBHGATY is a lightly-structured party where people get together and work on a project in a new programming language, either with or just near each other.

May 8, 2017
Beaverton Haskell Meetup - Write You a Scheme 2.0 - Session 1
Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC)


Thanks to everyone who attended the kickoff meeting for this group.  It was a really good turn out and looks like there are a lot of folks excited about learning some Haskell.  We have decided at this point to meet on a bi-weekly basis Mondays at 6:30pm.  We also have a new venue which has been secured at the OTBC offices thanks to Phil for the referral on that one.  We have also decided that we will be going through the online tutorial Write You a Scheme 2.0 as our first project.  Each person will choose resources on their own to learn Haskell and we will come together as a group in each meeting to talk about our progress on building a scheme interpreter and our understanding of the code presented.  Most likely we will also do some Haskell exercises as a group to help solidify new concepts.

To prepare for the next meetup go through the introduction and if you have time, the next section on parsers as well.  We'll try to cover as much ground as we have time available.

We also have a Slack channel that you can join by clicking the link that was sent out on the mailing list.  If you need an invite link let me know and I'll get you connected.

May 19, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk - Tim Denison presents "My Journey Into Software Development"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Tim Denison, Software Developer

Tim is an experienced software developer and a graduate of The Tech Academy. Prior to coming to The Tech Academy, Tim was working in the fields of education and photography. He had no experience in software, and had to start from scratch. 

He's coming to share what it was like making a career change into development, what it took to get through the Tech Academy program, how he broke into the industry, the trials and tribulations starting out, and what it's like now.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

May 21, 2017
PDXRust - Rust Hack Afternoon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Rust projects with us! Write your first Rust crate, contribute to an open source Rust project, team up with someone else on a cool new Rust tool, or even hack on rustc itself!

Lucky Lab has food and drinks and lots of open seating.

We follow the Rust Code of Conduct.

See you there!

May 26, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Open House & Talk - Nate Taggart and Erik Gross
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers:

Nate Taggart - Co-Founder and CEO of Stackery - Portland startup for serverless software. 

Nate will share how Stackery started, how they recently landed $1.75 million in funding, and what's in store for the future.


Erik Gross - Senior Software Developer and Co-Founder of The Tech Academy.

Everyone is welcome!

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jun 2, 2017
Galois Tech Talk: Datatype Generic Packet Descriptions
Galois Inc


Wouter Swierstra


Complex protocols describing the communication or storage of binary data are difficult to describe precisely. In this talk, I want to explore how to define data types describing a binary data formats and generate the corresponding serialization and deserialization functions from such descriptions. By embedding these data types in a general purpose dependently typed programming language such as Agda, we can verify once and for all that the serialization/deserialization functions generated in this style are correct by construction. To validate this approach, I will sketch how to write a verified parser for IPv4 network packets.


Wouter Swierstra is an assistant professor at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. After originally studying Mathematics and Computer Science, he did his PhD under supervision of Thorsten Altenkirch at the University of Nottingham's Functional Programming Lab. He worked as a postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology, before moving back to the Netherlands to work at Vector Fabrics, a high-tech startup that used functional programming to facilitate the design of embedded systems. After this brief stint in industry, he returned to academia as a postdoc in Foundations Group at the Radboud University Nijmegen and Software Technology group at Utrecht University.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Marri Gamard, Front-End Developer for Metal Toad
The Tech Academy

Featured speaker: Marri Gamard

Marri is an experienced front-end developer, currently working for one of Portland's most prominent website and app development firms: Metal Toad Media. We're excited to have Marri at The Tech Academy to share her experieence as a front-end developer and her passion for clean code and great design.

We will provide fresh coffee, pizza, and refreshments. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and network in the software industry.

Everyone is welcome!

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jun 7, 2017
PDXRust - PDXRust June 2017: Bart Massey on Playing Chess With Rust
Mozilla Corp

PSU Computer Science professor Bart Massey has mentored a variety of capstone projects using Rust, as well as writing a variety of projects in the language. He'll tell us about some chess playing code that he wrote in Rust.

Food is not provided at the meetup, thoguh carts are nearby if you'd like to grab a bite before and many Rustaceans are in the habit of going to dinner together afterwards. Expectations for the meetup are set forth in the Rust Code of Conduct; contact any of the organizers if you have a concern.

Jun 9, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk - Jonathon Hensley: What do I look for in a software developer?
The Tech Academy

Jonathon Hensley is CEO of Emerge Interactive, a digital innovation company, where he works with clients to transform business strategies, user needs and new technologies into valuable products and experiences.

An accomplished writer and speaker, Jonathon has lectured on topics such as the connected consumer’s impact on business, creating value through data-driven experiences, and user-centric approaches to innovation. In 2012 he was recognized in the Portland Business Journal’s “40 under 40” as one of Portland’s emerging professional and community leaders.

Jonathon will be joining us at The Tech Academy to share what it is he looks for in a software developer.

Everyone is welcome!

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jun 12, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in software programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. We will be using Python version 2.7 for this meetup.


Dates: Monday, June 12 
Times: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jun 16, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk - Scott Harvey: The Key Attributes of a Successful Software Dev
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Scott Harvey - VP of Engineering at Atmosera

Scott is a seasoned and innovative technical engineering leader with extensive product and solution delivery experience in both product and service development. 

Scott has successfully transformed under-performing teams, and shifted or established new departments and corporate cultures. He has managed both offshore, outsourced, and multi-site teams. In short, Scott has worked with developers of all kinds in all scenarios.

Scott will share the key attributes he has seen in successful software developers, and how you can aspire toward these traits.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jun 19, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 5 and the 1ML Language
Collective Agency Downtown

Join us for another fun-filled evening of learning and discussion!

Tonight, Lyle will present Lesson 5 from Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 lectures:, as well as reviewing the homework from Lesson 4.

Then, Matt Rice will talk about the 1ML language, a variant of ML which unifies the main expression/type language with the language of the module system (signatures, structures and functors). He's also been creating his own language derived from it.

Jun 23, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk on Machine Learning with Andrew Ferlitsch
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Andrew Ferlitsch

Andrew is a Research Scientist with over 20 years experience in research fields and 30 years of industry experience. He is an Inventor on 115 US granted patents.

Andrew will be joining us at The Tech Academy to present a special Machine Learning Introduction workshop.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jun 30, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - 3-part Tech Talk Series: "Coding Securely - Minimizing Vulnerabilities" Part 1
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dr. Brent Wilson, Assoc. Professor of Computer Science at George Fox University

Using the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top-10 Vulnerability listing as a guide, we will look at the various vulnerabilities and investigate how they work along with the mitigations and defenses that developers need to employ to create secure software.

This is Part 1 of a Three-Part series of talks.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Lunch & Open Q/A 12:00-1:00
Tech Talk 1:00-2:00

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 7, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - 3-part Tech Talk Series: "Coding Securely - Minimizing Vulnerabilities" Part 2
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dr. Brent Wilson, Assoc. Professor of Computer Science at George Fox University

Using the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top-10 Vulnerability listing as a guide, we will look at the various vulnerabilities and investigate how they work along with the mitigations and defenses that developers need to employ to create secure software.

This is Part 2 of a Three-Part series of talks.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Lunch & Open Q/A 12:00-1:00
Tech Talk 1:00-2:00

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 10, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 7/10
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in web design? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. 

Dates: Monday, July 10
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jul 11, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 7/11
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in software programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. We will be using Python version 2.7 for this meetup.


Dates: Tuesday, July 11
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jul 14, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - 3-part Tech Talk Series: "Coding Securely - Minimizing Vulnerabilities" Part 3
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dr. Brent Wilson, Assoc. Professor of Computer Science at George Fox University

Using the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top-10 Vulnerability listing as a guide, we will look at the various vulnerabilities and investigate how they work along with the mitigations and defenses that developers need to employ to create secure software.

This is Part 3 of a Three-Part series of talks.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Lunch & Open Q/A 12:00-1:00
Tech Talk 1:00-2:00

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 17, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 7/17
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in software programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. We will be using Python version 2.7 for this meetup.


Dates: Monday, July 17
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 6 and Free Things
Collective Agency Downtown

This month, Leif will present Lesson 6 on Lazy Evaluation from Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 lectures.

Then, Rob Norris will talk about free things.

Meeting is on the 8th floor of the Tiffany Center. If you arrive before the meeting starts, there will be someone in the lobby to open the front door for you. If not, there will be a sign posted with a phone number for you to call, and someone will come down to let you in. Take the elevator on the right to the 8th floor, and exit to your right. The sign next to the space says Forge Portland. We meet in the large open area there. 

Jul 18, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 7/18
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in web design? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. 

Dates: Tuesday, July 18
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jul 21, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Oz du Soleil: When and why to use Excel as a developer
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Oz du Soleil

Oz is an Excel developer, blogger, trainer, raconteur and Microsoft Excel MVP. He's known for a colorful and fierce commitment to empowering people who don’t have an IT team or the skillset to manage their own data.

He's also lead author of the book, Guerrilla Data Analysis 2nd Ed., co-written with Mr. Excel, Bill Jelen. He recently relocated to Portland, OR and is known for his passion for ghost pepper Sriracha.

Things that people have used to describe Oz have been: Mentor, fun, funny, patient and quirky. Oz is known for showing the WHEN and WHY, not just the HOW.

Subject: Oz is coming to share insights into when it's actually faster or better to use Excel as a developer, and why. We will provide fresh coffee, pizza, and refreshments. This is a great opportunity to meet new people and network in the software industry.

Everyone is welcome!

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 24, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 7/24
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in software programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. We will be using Python version 2.7 for this meetup.


Dates: Monday, July 24
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jul 25, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 7/25
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in web design? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. 

Dates: Tuesday, July 25
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Jul 28, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Dennis Kravets: How To Move Up Quickly In Software
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dennis Kravets

Dennis is a graduate of The Tech Academy Software Developer Boot Camp who has been moving nowhere but up since graduating. From forming is own web development company to landing a killer dev job, and now dealing with some big-hitter contracts, Dennis has taken huge strides in just the last couple years.

Now he's coming to The Tech Academy and will share with you his advice and best practices to achieve success in the software field.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 31, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 7/31
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in software programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. We will be using Python version 2.7 for this meetup.


Dates: Monday, July 31
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Beaverton Haskell Meetup - Haskell Projects
Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC)

It's been a while since I've updated the description for this meetup's events.  So, the group originally started to learn Haskell from scratch.  The group agreed that we would each choose our own learning materials to work from during the week and then come together during the meeting to discuss and work on programming exercises together.  Since then we have started working on larger projects in Haskell and are starting to investigate more advanced features of the language.  If you have something that you've been working on that you would like to share or you would like to help someone else with their own project then please join us!  We're always looking to meet more folks who are interested in the virtues of functional programming.

Aug 1, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 8/1
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever considered a career in web design? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming languages who are considering a career in software development. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code. 

Dates: Tuesday, August 1
Times: 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Class will open at 8:30 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP via is required to attend 
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 

There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


My recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland. Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which will drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch approximately around 11:45 a.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there will be a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishing within walking distance to grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If you are unable to attend after you sign up, please change your status to allow others to sign up.

• We will offer this course in the future as long as demand remains.

For questions, please email [masked]

Aug 2, 2017
CodeBytes - Show and Tell Social

Hello! This meetup is going to be a little different from our last ones. I intend for this to be more of a social meeting where people can bring in past CodeBytes projects to work on them or to do a little show and tell. This is also a good time to bring someone completely new to programming and we can help get them started! 

If you have any questions or ideas please feel free to follow up with either Sam or Alison. 


Aug 3, 2017
Vancouver Ruby - Hack night/office hours Office

Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month to hang out, talk web development, and work on whatever strikes your fancy. 

You don't need to have a project to attend, but if you do, feel free to bring it along to get help from the group or just get a few extra coding hours logged.

The event is hosted at Hint's office on Main street in uptown. On occasion, drinks will also be provided by Hint.

Clojure PDX - Clojure Office Hours

Office hours are a great place to chat with other developers and help or get help with any questions that come up.

Everyone is always welcomed regardless of skill or experience. If you are curious come on out.

Curious about Clojure? Have questions about Emacs or Cursive or Vim or Spacemacs or anything else? Come on out and we'll help.

Aug 4, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Annandra Grace: My Journey Into the Software Industry
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Annandra Grace - Program Coordinator at Intel

Annandra is a graduate of The Tech Academy Software Developer Bootcamp who started out with no IT experience. She has since worked her way up the ranks in the industry and for the last year and a half has been working at Intel as a Program Coordinator.

She is joining us at The Tech Academy to share her career journey, her trials and tribulations, and what things are like now.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Aug 7, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 8/7
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, August 7
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Aug 10, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, August 10 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

WorkSource Oregon (A Code Oregon partner) has developed a helpful resource for software developers called Portland Tech Jobs to help job seekers in the tech industry.

Aug 11, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Tom Toy: IoT Security
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Tom Toy

Tom Toy was a recent graduate of the Tech Academy and has 20+ years of expertise in Software Sales, building relationships, advocating for clients, and collaborating with technical, sales, and engineering experts to deliver specialized development tools to the Embedded Systems market. Tom started to see a huge challenge protecting connected devices from unwanted intrusion and joined NewSky Security in Redmond, WA to explore business opportunities with a predictive security technology. 

His talk will be from a Business Perspective and Cover These Topics:

• IoT Enterprise Security Nightmare.

• Recent IoT Attack Examples.

• White Hat vs. Black Hat Hacking.

• Summary of The Most Common Attacks. 

• Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure Data Base. 

• Why Anti-Malware and Firewalls Can Fail for IoT Infrastructure.

• Threat Models.

• Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning For Security.

• Model For Protecting Connected Devices.

• Credential Monitoring.

• Followed by Q&A.

Aug 14, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 8/14
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, August 14
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 7 and A* in Elm
Collective Agency Downtown

This month, we'll be meeting in a new location! Collective Agency has moved to 511 SW 10th Ave. We'll be meeting in the main area.

First, we'll cover Lesson 7 on Folds and Monoids from Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 Haskell lectures.

Then, Jamon Holmgren will explain his implementation of the A pathfinding algorithm in Elm. A is used in games to calculate the least-cost path for a computer character to move from one spot to another. Elm is a language similar to Haskell (but simpler) that compiles down to JavaScript, used for apps that run in web browsers.

Aug 16, 2017
CodeBytes - Let's build a basic API

We have decided by popular demand to do the rest api challenge again! For those of you who have already done it you either extend the functionality of your api or help someone working on this for the first timee.

We will be building a basic API. For this exercise you will need to do some prep before the meeting. We have setup steps for Ruby, Python, and Node.js. If you are interested in a language outside of those let us know and we can try to accommodate. There are some examples in our API challenge repo currently for other languages check it out here:  

You can find the Ruby starting steps and basic app here:

The Python starting steps are here:

For now here are some resources to look through:





We are asking for voluntary meetup dues to help cover costs. The suggested donation is $3 per meetup or $25 for the rest of the year.

This is voluntary, and is not intended to stop anyone from coming to the meetup. If you would like to help us out use the "Chip in" button on the left sidebar. All meetup dues go directly to paying for the subscription, food, and space costs.

Code of Conduct

Codebytes is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment for everybody to grow and learn in a collaborative setting. Treat each other with respect and graciousness. We believe that diverse thinking leads to better answers. We eagerly welcome all people regardless of an individual's race, color, religion, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical ability, medical condition, personal appearance, sexual orientation or any other characteristics protected by law.

By attending Codebytes you are agreeing to the following:

• You will not engage in harassing or discriminatory behavior. 
• You will credit everyone who helped create the code you worked on. 
• You will be respectful of people at all skill levels and learning styles.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Sam or Alison.

Aug 18, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Life as a .NET Developer at Intel
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Chris Carter, .NET Software Engineer at Intel

Chris has been developing software at Intel for the past year. Prior to that, Chris attended and graduated from The Tech Academy Software Developer Boot Camp, having no previous experience in the industry.

30,000 lines of code later, along with a plethora of stories and advice, Chris is coming back to The Tech Academy to share what life is like as a .NET Developer at Intel.

Come find out what it took to land this job, all the trials and tribulations along the way, and what things are like now.

Join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Aug 22, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 8/22
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, August 22
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Aug 25, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Becoming a Junior Developer after Fifty
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Scott Jansen, Software Developer at US Bank

Two years ago, Scott broke back into the software industry after spending twenty years on a different career path. His skills in COBOL were no longer sufficient, so he attended The Tech Academy Software Developer Boot Camp to sharpen up on the most in-demand programming languages.

Scott is coming to share what it was like dealing with the struggles of learning the new technology, the struggles of finding a job, and the struggles of getting along with younger but more experienced coders.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Aug 28, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 8/28
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, August 28
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Sep 1, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Life as a Senior Quality Assurance Engineer
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Johnny Reaser, Senior Quality Assurance Engineer

Johnny has 20+ years experience in software testing. Since his first position at Microsoft in 1997 he has been involved in all aspects of system development life cycle and application evolution using agile methodology, object-oriented design, and iterative development.

Johnny is a graduate of The Tech Academy.

Find out what it's like to work as a Senior QA Engineer: The pluses, the minuses, and everything in between!

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

12:45 Doors Open
1:00 Talk Begins
1:30 Q&A

Sep 5, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 9/5
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, September 5
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Sep 6, 2017
PDXRust - Hack Night at Mozilla
Mozilla Corp

Sorry for the late notice on this one -- Nick will be hosting a hack night with optional lightning talks for our September meeting.

Sep 8, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Overcoming The Barriers To Getting Hired As A Junior Developer
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Erik Gross, Co-Founder | The Tech Academy

Erik created The Tech Academy to help people break into the software field and to help experienced developers advance their careers. To date, he has helped hundreds of aspiring developers land their first job the industry.

With deep insight into what it takes to make it as a junior developer, Erik will talk about overcoming the barriers to getting hired as a junior developer, and  creating your own passion for learning.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

12:45 Doors Open
1:00 Start of Talk
1:30 Q&A

Sep 11, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 9/11

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, September 11
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 1455 NW Irving Street, Portland, Oregon   
(First Floor Conference Room straight ahead as you enter) 

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• We will provide coffee and donuts.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 8 and Vintage BASIC
Collective Agency Downtown

Lyle will present Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 Lesson 8 on IO in Haskell.

Then Lyle will present Vintage BASIC, a BASIC interpreter he wrote in Haskell some years ago but has recently revised.

Sep 14, 2017
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Sep 15, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Mayor of Portland Ted Wheeler
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler

Key Points of Discussion:

• Maintaining Portland's culture while attracting technology companies and workers. (In other words, bringing the best of Silicon Valley without becoming Silicon Valley) 

• Portland, Oregon city government technology initiatives

• Smart Cities Initiative 

• Technology initiatives involving the intersection of public and private sector resources

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Sep 18, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 9/18
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, September 18
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Sep 22, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Cesar Jimenez
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Cesar Jimenez

As a Developer, Cesar's philosophy is clear: wake up, work hard, be kind, repeat. 

Humble and passionate, Cesar is constantly striving to share knowledge with all the incredibly talented developers he is surrounded by. At the end of the day, he understands that it’s all about people helping people; it's a powerful thing.

Co-Founder and Developer for Untold Studio, Cesar is coming to The Tech Academy to share his journey into software development.

12:30 Pizza/Refreshments
1:00 Tech Talk

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Sep 25, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 9/25
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, September 25 
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Sep 26, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 9/26
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, September 26
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 2, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 10/2
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, October 2
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 3, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 10/3
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, October 3
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 4, 2017
PDXRust - Bart Massey on Rust Coding Puzzles
Mozilla Corp

Bart is back, this time to tell us stories and answer questions about 25 bite-sized pieces of Rust! 

Check out the code at if you'd like to put him on the spot with questions.

Bart also organizes some Portland State University Capstone projects, so if you're pondering where to find a team of eager Rustaceans who'll write open source code for university credit, he's the person to talk to.

As always, remember that you can request future meetup topics or volunteer to speak in the issue tracker:

Oct 6, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: "The Art of Questioning"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Aaron Frichtl

Subject: "The Art of Questioning" - Why come to this talk? Why not?

- fresh coffee 
- pizza 
- refreshments
- great networking opportunities

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

12:45 Doors Open
1:00 Start of Talk
1:30 Q&A

Oct 9, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 10/9
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, October 9
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 9 (Functors) and Minima (Elm)
Collective Agency Downtown

Echo will present Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 Lesson 9 on functors in Haskell.

Brian Ginsburg will give a short presentation on Minima (, a playground for experimenting with minimalist musical patterns, which he wrote in Elm.

We will have extra time in this meeting for hands-on learning. You are encouraged to bring a laptop or work together with someone else. You can practice working with functors, hack on Minima, or ask any other questions you might have.

Oct 10, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 10/10
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, October 10
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 12, 2017
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Oct 13, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Michael Bibeau - The Spectrum of Skills & Landing a Job
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Michael Bibeau

Michael Bibeau will be joining us at the Tech Academy on Friday, October 13 to share a talk on "The Spectrum of Skills and Landing a Job in the Industry". He is a Software Development Manager at Jaguar Land Rover.

Come join us to at The Tech Academy to hear Michael share his experience in the field.

• 12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments

• 1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Oct 16, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 10/16
The Tech Academy (Held at Regus in Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Location: 1455 NW Irving Street, Portland, Oregon  (First Floor Conference Room straight ahead as you enter) 
Dates: Monday, October 16
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)  
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  

Please Note

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 17, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 10/17
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, October 17
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 20, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Brett Tramposh - Tips on Managing your Career in Software
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Brett Tramposh

Brett Tramposh will be joining us at The Tech Academy on Friday, October 20 to share a talk on "Tips on Managing your Career in Software". He is a Senior Software Developer at TruckTrax. 

Come join us to at The Tech Academy to hear Brett share his experience in the field.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Oct 23, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 10/23
The Tech Academy (Held at Regus in Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Location: 1455 NW Irving Street, Portland, Oregon  (First Floor Conference Room straight ahead as you enter) 
Dates: Monday, October 23
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)  
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  

Please Note

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 24, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 10/24
The Tech Academy (Held at Regus in Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, October 24
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 1455 NW Irving Street, Portland, Oregon   
(First Floor Conference Room straight ahead as you enter) 

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 26, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 10/26
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, October 26 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

PDXnode - PDXNode Hack Night!
CTRL-H Hackerspace

Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night!

What is a PDXNode Hack Night?

PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌

Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following:

Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions

The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest! 

• A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time.
• A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time).
• A place for people to just hang out and connect.
• A place for people to work on projects in groups!

'Unconference'-style Team Hacks

For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in!

End of Night Show and Tell

There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on!

Some general stuff to remember:

Help is available!

There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening.

Do what you want to do

Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎

Code of Conduct

PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time.

Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉

Oct 30, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 10/30
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, October 30
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Oct 31, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 10/31
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, October 31
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Nov 1, 2017
PDXRust - Matthew Mayer on Rusoto: Rust's AWS SDK
Mozilla Corp

Matthew will be sharing his journey with Rusoto, Rust's unofficial AWS SDK. He'll cover how Rusoto came about, what it's like working on it, and how it works as well as examples of how it can be used.

Nov 3, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Mounir Shita on "A.I. is My Passion!"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker:Mounir Shita

Mounir Shita will be joining us at the Tech Academy on Friday, November 3 to share a talk on "A.I. is My Passion!". He is a Entrepreneur, Business & Technology Executive at Kimera Systems.

Come join us to at The Tech Academy to hear Mournir share his experience in the field.

• 12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments

• 1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Nov 6, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 11/6
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, November 6
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Nov 7, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 11/7
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, November 7
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Nov 9, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 11/9
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, November9 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Nov 10, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Nate Taggart - FaaS and the Developers
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Nate Taggart

Nate Taggart will be joining us at The Tech Academy on Friday, November 10 to share a talk on "FaaS and the Developer". FaaS stands for Function as a Service. He is the CEO of Stackery.

Come join us to at The Tech Academy to hear Michael share his experience in the field.

• 12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments

• 1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Nov 13, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 11/13
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, November 13
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Portland Functional Programming Study Group - 10th Anniversary Party and New Format Kickoff
Collective Agency Downtown

Come celebrate the 10th anniversary of PDX Func! The first meeting was on 11/15/07. There'll be food and drink and cake! We'll also discuss the new format for meetings based on the survey results. We will also go over the Applicative Functor lesson from CIS 193, which will be our final lesson from that track.

Nov 14, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 11/14
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, November 14
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Nov 17, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Technology Basics Book Launch & 'How to Break Into the Tech Industry'!
George R. White Library and Learning Center, Concordia University

With technology becoming integral to almost every industry, a basic understanding of how computers and technology work is necessary for success.

We believe technology is for everyone, and we are removing the barriers to entry that have stopped people from really being able to understand and use technology.

The Tech Academy Co-Founders are releasing four books. One is a dictionary, and three are practical books that teach you how to program computers.

These books include: 
• Technology Basics Dictionary 
• Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Python
• Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Small Basic 
• Learn Coding Basics in Hours with Javascript

The Technology Basics Dictionary is for everyone - from the absolute beginner to the experienced pro.

‘Learn Coding Basics in Hours’ is a series of books written for the absolute beginner who is interested in learning how to code (coding means programming computers to perform tasks).

In addition to celebrating the launch of the Technology Basics book series, Tech Academy co-founder Erik Gross will be giving a Tech Talk on 'How to Break Into the Tech Industry'.

• Date: Friday, November 17
• Time: 1 pm - 3 pm
• Location: George R. White Library & Learning Center, Concordia University
2811 NE Holman St., Portland, OR
• RSVP: Please RSVP to help us plan for adequate food & refreshments!

Nov 30, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Preparing for Technical Interview
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, November 30 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Preparing and tips for the Technical Interview

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Dec 1, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - "Lessons Learned From The First Dot-Com Bubble" - Tech Talk with Jack Hennessy
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Jack Hennessy

Jack is an early technology pioneer who achieved massive success in the dot-com boom of the late '90s. Jack spent time with tech luminaries like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Jack is coming to The Tech Academy to share the lessons he learned from the first dot-com bubble.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dec 4, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 12/4
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Monday, December 4
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Dec 5, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 12/5
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Tuesday, December 5
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229 
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) 


There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Dec 7, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn 12/7
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, December 7 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Dec 8, 2017
Galois Tech Talk: An Update on the Habit Programming Language
Galois, Inc


Habit is a high-level programming language, originally based on Haskell, that was designed to meet the needs of high assurance, very low-level software development. The most recent version of the language report was completed in 2010, and an initial working prototype implementation was developed by the HASP group at PSU. However, there has not been a lot of externally visible news about the language or its implementation since then. In this talk, I will provide an introduction to the goals of Habit (no previous experience is assumed), and an update on the status of its current implementation as we continue to edge towards a broader public release. In particular, this talk will discuss the challenges of meeting the performance requirements for typical systems software; the benefits of programming in a source language with high-level functional abstractions and expressive types; and the role that whole-program optimization can play in bridging between these two worlds.


Mark Jones is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. His primary research focus is on the use of advanced programming language technologies that support the construction and certification of secure and reliable software systems.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Garrett Guevara - Software Developer at Zapproved
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Garrett Guevara

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dec 9, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 12/9
The Tech Academy

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Saturday, December 9
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 310 SW 4th Avenue Suite #330 Portland, Oregon 97204

Please Note:

•  We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others on the waiting list to attend.

For questions, please email [masked]

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Programming with Python - 12/9
The Tech Academy

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? 

The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to Programming with Python. Python is a popular computer programming language.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.


Dates: Saturday, December 9
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.) 
RSVP:  An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees  
Location: 310 SW 4th Avenue Suite #330 Portland, Oregon 97204

Please Note:

•  We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. 

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. 

• If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others on the waiting list to attend.

For questions, please email [masked]

Dec 11, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Free One-Day Course on Introduction to Web Design with HTML & CSS - 12/11
The Tech Academy (hosted by Education Northwest)

Have you ever wondered whether you'd enjoy computer programming? The Tech Academy is offering a free one-day course on Introduction to web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little or no experience in programming who are considering a career in software development. This way, you can find out ahead of time whether you enjoy the actual work of programming computers. A computer programmer does a lot more than just write code, but coding is the most important part of the job. 

Please make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to code.

Here is what some past participants had to say about the free one-day courses.

I loved it. I love the explanations that the instructor gave. He was so patient and explained clearly. 

It was great. The instructor gave us lots of information and helped us grow and foster new skills.

I was impressed by the organization and structure. Instructor was knowledgeable and kept the pace moving while taking extra time when necessary.


Dates: Monday, December 11 
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Classroom will open at 9:15 a.m.)
RSVP: An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we tend to have a few open seats for last minute attendees
Location: 13306 NW Cornell Road Portland, Oregon 97229
(Located on second floor above Foot Traffic running store) Parking: There is plenty of parking in the overfill lot behind the building, just off of Dale street. Please do not park in the main parking lot, so we can be good neighbors for the other businesses in the complex. There is no fee for parking.


Our recommendation on public transit if you are coming from downtown Portland: Take the MAX Blue Line or Red Line train to Sunset Transit center. There, catch the Bus 48 or Bus 62 which can drop you off right in front of the school.

Please Note:

• We will take a 45 minute lunch at approximately 12 p.m. • There is no refrigerator at this location, but there is a microwave to heat up a lunch.

• There are number of eating establishments within walking distance where you can grab a quick bite.

• Space is limited to ensure we can provide the best experience. • If something comes up after you sign up such that you are unable to attend, please change your status. This will allow others to sign up.

For questions, please email [masked]

Dec 14, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 12/14
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, December 14 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Dec 15, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Paul Menig on "Reality from Cognition to Recall"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Paul Menig

Paul Menig will be joining us at The Tech Academy on Friday, December 15 to share a talk on "Reality from Cognition to Recall". He is the Chief Executive Officer for Tech-I-M Business Accelerants.

Come join us to at The Tech Academy to hear Paul share his experience in the field.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dec 22, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Cole Dixon: "Two Years Out Of A Coding Bootcamp- Honest Feedback"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Cole Dixon, Software Developer at EVS, LLC in Boulder, CO

Prior to development, Cole was a barista and bartender. Desiring a career change, Cole, like many others, attended a coding bootcamp. After two years of experience in the industry, Cole is coming to share what it was like attending the bootcamp, and how things have been in the two years since then.

10:00 a.m. Light breakfast items: Pastries, bagels, fresh fruit, water, juices, and coffee 
10:15  a.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dec 28, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 12/28
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, December 28 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Dec 29, 2017
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - "Lessons Learned From The First Dot-Com Bubble" - Tech Talk with Jack Hennessy
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Jack Hennessy

Jack is an early technology pioneer who achieved massive success in the dot-com boom of the late '90s. Jack spent time with tech luminaries like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.

Jack is coming to The Tech Academy to share what things were like in the early PC days.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jan 11, 2018
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Jan 12, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - 2-part Tech Talk Series: "Coding Securely - Minimizing Vulnerabilities" Part 1
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dr. Brent Wilson, Assoc. Professor of Computer Science at George Fox University

Using the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top-10 Vulnerability listing as a guide, we will look at the various vulnerabilities and investigate how they work along with the mitigations and defenses that developers need to employ to create secure software.

This is Part 1 of a 2-Part series of talks.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Lunch & Open Q/A 12:00-1:00
Tech Talk 1:00-2:00

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jan 14, 2018
PDX People of Color in Tech - Gathering

We're looking forward to seeing you!

We'll be at PDX Code Guild, on the 2nd floor. Plenty of street parking available.

Bring a dish to share! There are microwaves and fridges/freezers if needed.


3-3:45 Welcome, introductions, eating, conversation

3:45-4:15 Presentation (and Q&A) from Oz duSoleil:

4:15-5:00 Announcements, more eating and conversation

Accessibility notes:

There is an elevator in the lobby of the first floor, when entering in the front door on Corbett Ave.

Some chairs in the room have arms and others do not.

Background noise will likely be low-level, aside from participant volume

Jan 19, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - 2-part Tech Talk Series: "Coding Securely - Minimizing Vulnerabilities" Part 2
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Dr. Brent Wilson, Assoc. Professor of Computer Science at George Fox University

Using the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Top-10 Vulnerability listing as a guide, we will look at the various vulnerabilities and investigate how they work along with the mitigations and defenses that developers need to employ to create secure software.

This is Part 2 of a 2-Part series of talks.

Come join us for fresh coffee, pizza, refreshments, and some great networking opportunities.

Lunch & Open Q/A 12:00-1:00
Tech Talk 1:00-2:00

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jan 25, 2018
PDXnode - PDXNode Hack Night!
CTRL-H Hackerspace

Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night!

What is a PDXNode Hack Night?

PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌

Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following:

Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions

The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest!

• A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time.
• A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time).
• A place for people to just hang out and connect.
• A place for people to work on projects in groups!

'Unconference'-style Team Hacks

For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in!

End of Night Show and Tell

There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on!

Some general stuff to remember:

Help is available!

There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening.

Do what you want to do

Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎

Code of Conduct

PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time.

Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉

Jan 26, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Friday Tech Talk with Josh Carter on "My Founder Journey"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speakers: Josh Carter 

Josh Carter is a US Navy Vet, speaker, and technology leader who has a long track record of success throughout his career. He is the COO of Camp Patriot Boot Camp (PBC), which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to equip active duty military members, Veterans, and their spouses with the education, resources, and community needed to be successful technology entrepreneurs.

He will giving a presentation on "My Founder Journey"

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Mar 8, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask a Dev Portland
Palio Coffee and Dessert House

• What we'll do
You know the feeling. Cache-clearing refreshes, stale coffee, tufts of hair. There has to be a better way. Someone must know what I'm doing wrong.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every week as we answer your frustrations.

It's free mentorship from local programmers.

• What to bring

• Important to know

PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Mar 15, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland
Custom House/WeWork

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Mar 29, 2018
Ask A Dev Portland
Custom House/WeWork

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

PDXnode - PDXNode Hack Night!
CTRL-H Hackerspace

Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night!

What is a PDXNode Hack Night?

PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌

Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following:

Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions

The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest!

• A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time.
• A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time).
• A place for people to just hang out and connect.
• A place for people to work on projects in groups!

'Unconference'-style Team Hacks

For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in!

End of Night Show and Tell

There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on!

Some general stuff to remember:

Help is available!

There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening.

Do what you want to do

Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎

Code of Conduct

PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time.

Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉

Apr 5, 2018
Ask a Dev Portland
Custom House/WeWork

Welcome Startup Week!

We offer free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Apr 12, 2018
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Apr 13, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Both Sides of Net Neutrality
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Brett Caudle, Dean of The Tech Academy

Brett has been with The Tech Academy for years and is an integral part of the school's ongoing success.

Net Neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites. This has been a hot topic in our current political climate.

Brett will lead a civilized discussion around both sides of this issue.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you! We strive to have an uplifting and inclusive environment. Please come prepared to share your own ideas while respecting the opinions of others.

Apr 19, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland
Custom House/WeWork

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

May 3, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland
Marmoset Music

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

May 17, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

May 31, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Jun 14, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Jun 28, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Jun 29, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Sean McCrea on "How I Found Happiness and Success in Tech"
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Sean Elliott McCrea

Sean is a Technical Support Engineer for Act-On Software and Tech Academy graduate. Before attending the bootcamp Sean worked in sales, and found himself looking for a career with more stability and opportunity for growth to help him support his wife and 3 kids. In this talk he will be sharing his experience transitioning into the tech industry, and how that change brought him happiness and success.

12:30 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 3, 2018
PDXRust - Writing Software That's Safe Enough To Drive A Car
Mozilla Corp

This month, Shea Newton will be presenting "Writing Software That's Safe Enough To Drive A Car!"

Autonomous cars run on software, and most of the microcontrollers in today's cars are programmed using C. We have found that even the best code checking for C does not protect against system-crippling errors - the kind of errors that could endanger the lives of future drivers. C is simply not the right language for safety-critical software, but what about Rust?

## Target audience

I'd like to try and keep this talk relatively high level. Examples of self-corrupting code may resonate more with developers who have written C but ideally the talk will apply to anyone interested in Rust and curious about the state of self-driving car technology.


We may also have time for lightning talks and socializing as well.


As always, we'll be following the Rust Code of Conduct:

Jul 6, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Natural Language Processing - OCR/Text Extraction & Data Extraction
The Tech Academy

This meetup is for intermediate/advanced machine learning engineers (MLE). We will be covering using an NLP framework for text/OCR extraction from documents/images, text preparation and data extraction. The code along will be in Python.

This should be useful if you are, or plan to, work with thousands to millions of PDF documents, camera captured images containing text, and facsimile messages.

Source code, and installation instructions for the NLP framework:

About the Speaker: Andrew Ferlitsch has a Masters Degree in Artificial Intelligence, and is a former Principal Research Scientist for Sharp Corporation with 115 issued US patents. Andrew was ranked #1 continuously for 2 years in the StackOverflow category for Open Data (Data Engineering). He is the founder of the shareware product Winnex and the open source project OpenGeoCode. Andrew has ran a number of volunteer organizations in Portland, including a local tech incubator (NW Startups), the Portland Data Science Group, and oversaw running an international based NGO in Yemen. Currently Andrew is freelancing as a Data Scientist/Consultant, specializing in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision in the Health and Life Sciences.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP to help us ensure we order enough food for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you!

Jul 12, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Jul 13, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Caitlyn Loos and Christopher Bloom from Phase2
The Tech Academy

Phase2 is a digital agency that moves industry leading organizations forward with powerful ideas and executable digital strategies built on open technology.

Caitlyn Loos and Christopher Bloom will be giving their talk from DrupalCon, as well as sharing an upcoming Phase2 Internship opportunity. You won't want to miss it!

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jul 20, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Temple Naylor, Graduate of The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

Temple is an enthusiastic and inspiring young graduate of The Tech Academy's Software Developer Boot Camp. After completing the program here, Temple went on to begin what is already a successful technology career here in Portland. He looks forward to sharing his personal insight on both the mindset and sales aspect relating to finding a job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jul 26, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Aug 3, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Todd Rotolo on Getting Hired at Portland's Top Tech Companies
The Tech Academy

Todd Rotolo is an Account Manager at Collabera Inc, a company ranked among the top 10 Information Technology (IT) and professional staffing firms in the U.S.
Todd will be sharing with us his knowledge of the current hiring climate in this industry, some of the trends he has observed from his position, and his top tips for job seekers!

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Aug 10, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - From Jr. Dev to Team Lead: What it Takes
The Tech Academy

Cole graduated from The Tech Academy back in 2015, and quickly began a successful career in software development. He will be sharing his insights on rising from a Jr. Developer fresh out of The Tech Academy to a Development Team Leader in his last job. He will be outlining the work it took and the hurdles he encountered en route to gaining that position.

We are ecstatic he has recently re-joined The Tech Academy and is heading up our newest campus in Denver, Colorado! Join us at our campus in Portland as Cole re-introduces himself remotely from Tech Academy Denver.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Aug 17, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Resources for Women and Allies in Tech, with Janel Hull from ChickTech
The Tech Academy

ChickTech is a national nonprofit organization, founded in 2012 right here in Portland to engage women and girls of all ages in the technology industry while working to create a better technology culture for all. ChickTech's Portland Program Manager, will present on what ChickTech is, how they help, and how you can get involved. She will also fill us in on other resources in our Portland Tech community for women and allies.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Aug 23, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Aug 24, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Professional Imposter, a Tech Talk with Dan Linn
The Tech Academy

Dan Linn is the President of Hello World Devs. Hello World helps companies create application solutions with their own internal teams, or as supplemental or permanent workers on outside projects.

Have you ever stopped yourself from taking on a new opportunity because you doubted your own abilities and accomplishments? Or because you questioned whether you really "deserved" the chance you were being given? Dan will be presenting on Impostor Syndrome and how to overcome this self-doubt, specifically as it pertains to the work place.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Aug 31, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Minding the Gap, Digital Products and Talent
The Tech Academy

Speaker: Jonathon Hensley, CEO and Chief Creative Officer at Emerge Interactive

84% of companies fail at digital transformation. Too often leadership gets stuck on developing a static strategy, rather than understanding the end vision. Based on two decades of experience, we can easily identify the characteristics of a digital product that will succeed. And as the future makers of digital product/services (web, mobile, IoT), we understand what you need to know and what the market needs.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Minding the Gap, Digital Products and Talent
The Tech Academy

Speaker: Jonathon Hensley, CEO and Chief Creative Officer at Emerge Interactive

84% of companies fail at digital transformation. Too often leadership gets stuck on developing a static strategy, rather than understanding the end vision. Based on two decades of experience, we can easily identify the characteristics of a digital product that will succeed. And as the future makers of digital product/services (web, mobile, IoT), we understand what you need to know and what the market needs.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Sep 22, 2018
PDX People of Color in Tech - ReLAUNCH
1000 SW Broadway

Hi folks! We've been out of commission for a while but we're relaunching! I
I'll be sending out the location soon (suggestions welcome), but I'd like to meet so that we can talk about what we want and need from this Meetup. Tab and I started it to build community and we have done that, a little. We could do so much more!
We could be a hub for job/contract opportunities.
We could have working dates.
We could bid on contracts together.
We can and should help one another to grow and be successful in every way possible. I subscribe to "I am because we are. We are because I am." also known as "Ubuntu".
We’ll be meeting at 1000 SW Broadway. There will be food and drinks, but bring anything you want to share. Lock in that time on your calendar. If you have something special you want to be addressed, email me here or [masked]
one love

Sep 28, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Machine Learning, Tech Talk with Julio Barros
The Tech Academy

There is a lot of excitement and hype around Machine Learning and A.I. but not everybody has a good understanding of what the different terms and approaches mean.

This presentation will give you an overview of machine learning, explain how it is different than regular programming and traditional statistics, and provide a suggestions for where it is appropriate and for learning more if it piques your interest.

The Speaker: Julio Barros is a machine learning consultant in Portland, Oregon and has been developing software for over 20 years. He loves all things data, AI/ML, technology, teaching and mentoring. Julio holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Science from GMU and UVA respectively, is active in the community and runs the PDX Clojure, Deep Learning and Probabilistic Programming meetups.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Oct 4, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Oct 5, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Life of a Developer, Tech Talk with Cesar Jimenez
The Tech Academy

Cesar is constantly striving to share knowledge with all the incredibly talented developers he is surrounded by. At the end of the day, he understands that it’s all about people helping people. Cesar's talk will focus on the life of a developer, preparing you to enter the workforce, and
outlining what you can expect on the job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Oct 8, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn".

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn fo those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

The Instructor:
Erik Gross is the co-founder of The Tech Academy, a software developer training school based in Portland, OR. The Tech Academy has helped hundreds of graduates to break into the technology field. Mr. Gross has been a working software developer and consultant for many years, and has developed simple, clear methods for helping nontechnical people genuinely understand technical concepts. He brings an enthusiastic, accessible teaching style to an area of knowledge that all too often leaves people in the dark.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Oct 12, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Hire Talent, Train Skill: Tech Talk with Michael Bibeau
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Michael Bibeau

Michael Bibeau is a Software Development Manager at a Major Automotive Manufacturer. He will discuss what kinds of expectations he has as a manager for every level of developer. He'll focus on how the non tech-specific attributes can make or break success on the job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Oct 18, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Oct 19, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Reusable Coding and Design Patterns: Tech Talk with Philip Scott
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Philip Scott

Philip is an engineer that has worked in more languages than he can count along with trudging up and down the stack. However, he prefers to work in the mid to front end parts of the stack where he can run wild with JavaScript. He will be covering how to create and design reusable components in node.js/javascript (applicable to other languages as well).

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Oct 26, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - There are a Lot of Ways to be a Developer: Tech Talk with Toby Fee
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Toby Fee, Community Developer at Stackery

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Nov 1, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Nov 2, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Q.A. Tech Talk with Johnny Reaser
The Tech Academy

Featured Speaker: Johnny Reaser, SR QA Automation Engineer

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Nov 8, 2018
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Nov 16, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with GRAYBOX
The Tech Academy

Dan Panzella and Jacques Désormière from GRAYBOX will be joining us to talk about a typical day in the Agency Life. From ongoing Development issues to ensuring Quality Assurance is never forgotten, they’ll discuss both the bright areas of the agency life as well as why it may not be for everyone.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Nov 29, 2018
MOVED Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland
Harvester / Ground Breaker Gastropub


Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Nov 30, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Transform your GitHub to Showcase your Projects
The Tech Academy

The Tech Academy's Online Job Placement Director, David King, will be presenting on the importance of having a well done GitHub. He will dive into advanced techniques for styling files and cover best practices for making a strong GitHub presence to help you look your best to potential employers.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Dec 7, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk with Danielle Heberling from Stackery
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Danielle Heberling, a software developer at

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Dec 13, 2018
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Dec 14, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - QA Tech Talk with Angela Riggs from Vacasa
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Angela Riggs, a Quality Assurance Engineer at Vacasa

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Dec 28, 2018
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Applying and Interviewing for Data Analytics Positions
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Yuchin Pan, Graduate of The Tech Academy

Yuchin is a data analyst in charge of reporting and developing metrics and visualizations that help his company stay on top of current trends and get in front of potential problems before they happen. He will talk about applying in the incredibly ambiguous, and at times, frustrating field of data analytics and data science. Yuchin will go over things like mindset, skills he developed, and processes he used to land a job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Applying and Interviewing for Data Analytics Positions
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Yuchin Pan, Graduate of The Tech Academy

Yuchin is a data analyst in charge of reporting and developing metrics and visualizations that help his company stay on top of current trends and get in front of potential problems before they happen. He will talk about applying in the incredibly ambiguous, and at times, frustrating field of data analytics and data science. Yuchin will go over things like mindset, skills he developed, and processes he used to land a job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jan 4, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Understanding and Working with APIs
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Dave Diehl, Graduate of The Tech Academy

API development is a huge part of Dave's job, and it's something that he wishes he had a solid primer on before going in. He will also be touching on selecting and learning frameworks on the job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Understanding and Working with APIs
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Dave Diehl, Graduate of The Tech Academy

API development is a huge part of Dave's job, and it's something that he wishes he had a solid primer on before going in. He will also be touching on selecting and learning frameworks on the job.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jan 11, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Transitioning Careers into Tech and QA
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Katie Saldivar, QA Engineer

Katie will share about her experience switching from teaching Spanish to working as a QA Engineer and all she learned through the process of coming into the Tech industry here in Portland.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jan 17, 2019
Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland
Capital One Café

-- TEMPORARILY (hopefully very temporarily) at CapitalOne Cafe. Testing out downtown as a new location.--

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Jan 18, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: The Breadth of Python
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Tab Memmott, Python Engineer at Nike and OHSU

Tab will share his experience on how Python can be used in different fields. He will be going over important Python libraries as well.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jan 21, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 22, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 24, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 25, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, you will be able to borrow one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Internships
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Jenna Phillips, Platform Engineer at Nike

Jenna will be sharing her experience in technical internships and her experience leading an intern program at a tech startup.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jan 28, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 29, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 30, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Jan 31, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

PDXnode - PDXNode Hack Night!
CTRL-H Hackerspace

Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night!

What is a PDXNode Hack Night?

PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌

Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following:

Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions

The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest!

• A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time.
• A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time).
• A place for people to just hang out and connect.
• A place for people to work on projects in groups!

'Unconference'-style Team Hacks

For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in!

End of Night Show and Tell

There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on!

Some general stuff to remember:

Help is available!

There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening.

Do what you want to do

Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎

Code of Conduct

PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time.

Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉

Feb 1, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Getting out of your own way
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Steven Cedeno, Sr. Web Application Engineer at Nike

Steven will be sharing his experience on over coming self doubt and how to unlock your potential.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Feb 4, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 5, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night

🚨Special Presentation Night Alert! 🚨

We're are extremely lucky to have Gil Tayar (a Node.js super-wizard) with us to take with him on a deep-dive into Node ES Modules.

Here's Gil's rundown of what he'll be covering in his talk "Node ES Modules - something almost, but not quite entirely unlike CommonJS":

CommonJS, along with the npm registry, has become the de-facto standard in Frontend and NodeJS development today. But Native ES Modules are coming to NodeJS and the browser. On the surface, they look incredibly similar to CommonJS modules, but the differences are important. In this talk I will describe these differences, the consequences of these differences, and how to start preparing for the new world of Native ES Modules.

Why is this talk important? Because Native ES Modules are coming. And everybody will be talking about them in 2019. And we need to be prepared, for it is going to be a difficult transition, because the differences are subtle and they bite.

(as a member of the Node Modules WG, I can definitely bring some insight into why ES Modules in Node is taking so long).

👉This is going to be an epic night not to miss! See y'all there! 🎉🎉🎉

Important Location Reminder
We're meeting at Vacasa for this night only, rather than at Alchemy Labs (our usual spot).


Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our speakers have been: Suz Hinton, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Paul Frazee, and more!

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Feb 6, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 7, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 8, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: JavaScript Toolchains
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Erik Swan, Software Engineer at Nike

Erik will be going over the elements of a typical React/Redux application and the overall JavaScript toolchain. He'll also talk a little about what it means to work on the "front end" in the industry.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Feb 12, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 14, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Feb 18, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 20, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 21, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 22, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Life after code school
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Mo Madono, Senior Software Engineer at Nike

Adulting for Devs

Now that you have gone from an egg to a hatch-ling, it's time to figure out how to make use of your newfound skills. In this talk, Mo will share some of kernels of wisdom she's gleaned from her 10+ years in the industry. Whether you're job hunting, going out on your own or negotiating an offer, Mo's made all the mistakes there are to make so that you don't have to.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Life after code school
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Mo Madono, Senior Software Engineer at Nike

Adulting for Devs

Now that you have gone from an egg to a hatch-ling, it's time to figure out how to make use of your newfound skills. In this talk, Mo will share some of kernels of wisdom she's gleaned from her 10+ years in the industry. Whether you're job hunting, going out on your own or negotiating an offer, Mo's made all the mistakes there are to make so that you don't have to.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Life after code school
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Mo Madono, Senior Software Engineer at Nike

Adulting for Devs

Now that you have gone from an egg to a hatch-ling, it's time to figure out how to make use of your newfound skills. In this talk, Mo will share some of kernels of wisdom she's gleaned from her 10+ years in the industry. Whether you're job hunting, going out on your own or negotiating an offer, Mo's made all the mistakes there are to make so that you don't have to.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Feb 25, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 26, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 27, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Feb 28, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Mar 1, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Coding School and the Opportunities Beyond Software Engineering
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Jake Clark, Senior Business Support Engineer at New Relic, Graduate of The Tech Academy

Jake will be discussing not just his experience post-code school, but also expand on the possibilities that exist beyond being a software developer. He will be discussing the paths through Support rather than development and the broad range of opportunities that exist for students exiting The Tech Academy. He applied his skill sets towards Support, and he is immensely glad he did. Come learn from his experience!

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Mar 4, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 5, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 7, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 8, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 11, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 12, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 13, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 14, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Mar 15, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Ruby on Rails
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Wilfrid Landry, Senior Ruby on Rails Programmer and Certified AWS Cloud Solutions Architect

Wilfrid will be giving a talk about Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. He will also be discussing about cloud services with Ruby, provide learning resources, and invite you to the local Ruby on Rails Meetup.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Ruby on Rails
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Wilfrid Landry, Senior Ruby on Rails Programmer and Certified AWS Cloud Solutions Architect

Wilfrid will be giving a talk about Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. He will also be discussing about cloud services with Ruby, provide learning resources, and invite you to the local Ruby on Rails Meetup.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Mar 22, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Party. Tech. Entrepreneurship.
The Tech Academy

Guest Speakers: Joshua German (CEO and Founder Whatsgud, LLC) and Collins Adetu (CTO and Co-Founder Whatsgud, LLC)

Joshua and Collins will be giving a brief story on how the most unusual circumstances can inspire entrepreneurship.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Mar 27, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Mar 28, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Mar 29, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 1, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 2, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 3, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 4, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 5, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 8, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 9, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 10, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 11, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Apr 12, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: What's in the Box? A guided tour of a modern web application
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Erik Gross, Co-founder of The Tech Academy

Today's modern web development tools give you a ton of code right out of the gate, making rapid application development possible. But it can be a challenge to understand what each part of your new, auto-generated app does, and how to modify the app as you make it solve the business need that drove its creation in the first place.

In this Tech Talk, Tech Academy co-founder Erik Gross will go over the essential principles of all web application frameworks, and then review how Microsoft's ASP.NET MVC implements those principles. You'll leave with a greater understanding of web app frameworks, how MVC works and how to modify it, and an approach to analyzing any pre-built framework you use in the future.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Apr 15, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 16, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 17, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 18, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 19, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 22, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 23, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 24, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Apr 25, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Ask A Dev - Ask A Dev Portland

Free mentoring from local programmers.

Whether you're a new programmer, a veteran exploring a new language, or a tech-adverse soul lost in a sea of WYSIWYG site generators, we're here to help. Join us for a few hours every other week as we answer your frustrations.

Apr 26, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: JavaScript Frontend Tools
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Eric Biewener, Senior Fullstack Developer at Talentpair

Eric will be going over JavaScript frontend tools like the NPM ( Node.js package manager) package system for Javascript and the require()/ import syntax for importing JavaScript files.

Please join us on this Tech Talk and learn about these tools that are in demand in the market place.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

May 3, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Lean and Agile Methodologies
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Betty Fleming, Sr. Program Manager, Firefox Android at Mozilla

In this talk Betty will provide a brief history of Lean and Agile, their roots in manufacturing and expansion into software development. Then she will dive into the details of the principles of Lean and how they apply to our work. Betty will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Agile, and how to choose a methodology that works for you.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

May 6, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 7, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 8, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 9, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

May 10, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Challenges and Benefits of Being a Remote Employee
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Esti Shay, Software Engineer at Conservation Biology Institute.

Esti will share advice and lessons learned about remote work based on her first year as a software engineer, working 100% remotely.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

May 20, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Python: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course providing an introduction to Python. Python is a popular programming language for general-purpose programming. It is particularly easy to learn for those new to coding.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of this popular computer language - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 21, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 22, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 23, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 24, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Useful Resource for developers: How To Become A Full Stack developer In 2019?

May 27, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 28, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 29, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to HTML & CSS: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Web design with HTML & CSS. These languages are used to develop the structure and styling of every website.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 30, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to JavaScript: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to JavaScript. JavaScript is universally recognized as a foundational language. It is present in every platform imaginable: like browsers, mobile, and desktop applications.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

May 31, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Intro to Small Basic: A Free Coding Class at The Tech Academy
The Tech Academy

We run a code school. We hear from a lot of people we talk to that they're not sure whether they're interested in a job in the tech field, because they don't know enough about it. Sometimes, they've even been told that "programming is hard to learn."

At The Tech Academy, we work hard to break down the barriers between people and technology. We think that, with the right approach, anyone can learn to code - and whether you end up working in technology or not, the principles behind coding are useful in a lot of areas.

The Tech Academy is offering a free course on Introduction to Small Basic. Small Basic is a Microsoft language that gives users exposure to many of the fundamental skills used in more complex coding languages.

This course is perfect for people with little to no experience in programming who are curious about a career in software development.

In this practical, hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of these popular technologies - and along the way, you should find out for yourself whether technology and coding are something worth looking into a bit more deeply.

Please Note:
---Make sure to bring your laptop, as this will be a hands on learning process where you get to actually write your own code. If you don't have a laptop, no worries, you will be able to use one of ours.
---An RSVP is needed to guarantee a seat in the class, though we may have a few open seats for last minute attendees.

Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: The Art of Project Management
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Mike Kwan, Vice President at Pacific NW

Whether in a multi-billion dollar tech company, or a 3-person animation startup, Project Management practices will form the planning and execution framework for your work.

Light on presentation slides and heavy on interactive Q&A, this talk will introduce some foundational concepts of project management, as well as touch on waterfall, Agile, and hybrid models. While you won't learn enough to take the PMP exam, you will recognize a Gantt Chart when you see one.

We are excited to host Mike from Pacific NW!

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jun 13, 2019
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Jun 21, 2019
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Technical Interviewing Overview
The Tech Academy

Guest Speaker: Alister Cedeno, the Outreach Director at The Tech Academy.

Alister will be discussing steps on applying and preparing for a technical interview. He will be giving tips about how to prepare, practice, perform the interview.

12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts

Please RSVP

Jul 11, 2019
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Aug 8, 2019
PDXnode - PDXNode Presentation Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Presentations begin at 6:30pm. We feature 2 awesome speakers that bring you the best that Portland (and beyond) has to offer in Node & JavaScript. Periodically we'll open with a brief lightning talk too.

Open dialogue during the presentations is very welcome–we're all here to learn!

Come a little early and say hi! The organizers will be available to help any newcomers with getting started. If you need help installing node and npm, or have questions or anything–please reach out.

Before our first talk we'll engage in a friendly Node quiz! Prizes include awesome learning materials sponsored by Cloudflare (eg. Books like "Effective JavaScript" by David Herman, and "Node.js in Action" by Harter, Cantelon, Rajlich, and Holowaychuk).

Our talks cover a variety of topics, presented by people with varying levels of experience. Some of our most recent speakers have been: Max Ogden, Substack, Chris Dickinson, Ben Acker, and more.

Afterwards, if you're stoked to keep hangin' we regularly take our discussions onward to post-talk drinks nearby! We may even hack a little if the night is young!

People who're new to programming and new friends to the Node community are very welcome! Say hi, make some noise, get to know folks, and ask questions!

Brief note about our location:

Please look for Nodesters standing by the door to let you in if it's locked! If you arrive beyond 6:35pm, please shoot us a tweet at @pdxnode, and we'll come as soon as we can to let you in. :)

Sep 21, 2021
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
through Amazon AWS Elemental PDX13

Do you use C++? Would you like to learn C++?

Writing an operating system, an autonomous multi-agent system, video game, or hacking on a Raspberry Pi? Stuck on a problem and need another point of view? Perhaps you know C++ and would like to interact with others who also have experience with the language?

Meet up with other C++ programmers to learn, share, and develop tips and tricks of the trade, find out what local C++ projects are happening, and especially to better understand modern C++! All experience levels are welcome: You aren't alone on your C++ journey!

Our group is different than some others in that we focus on "modern" C++. We discussion many aspects of the current-- or even future-- C++ standards.

Oct 19, 2021
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd.. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Feb 15, 2022
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Amazon AWS Elemental PDX13

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts!

This month, we're excited to be hosted by Amazon AWS Elemental!

Mar 15, 2022
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub at 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland.

Your PDXCPP Organizers

Jun 21, 2022
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne. (Apologies for confusion about the venue!)

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Jan 17, 2023
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.

NOTE: We're not really meant to be a "bar group", as kind as the folks at Lucky Lab have been. We are seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your company is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Feb 21, 2023
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.

NOTE: We're not really meant to be a "bar group", as kind as the folks at Lucky Lab have been. We are seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your company is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Mar 21, 2023
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.

  • Next month, we are planning on renting a space with a projector-- please feel free to bring ideas to this meeting, if you're interested in presenting! In the past, topics have ranged from sharing a C++ project to thoroughly exploring a single standard library component.

NOTE: We're not really meant to be a "bar group", as kind as the folks at Lucky Lab have been. We are seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your company is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Apr 18, 2023
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne in the projection room near the entrance. We will be featuring some presentations for the first time in a while-- if you are interested in giving a talk, please contact us. In lieu of talks, we'll take advantage of the projector and have open discussion focused on specific pieces of code.

NOTE: We are seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your organization is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Jul 18, 2023
Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!

This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.

NOTE: We are actively seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your company is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!

-- Your PDXCPP Organizers

Feb 27
PDX Rust Meetup — Spidering Wikipedia Politely In Async Rust
Maseeh College of Engineering, Portland State University

[Rescheduled after snow day]

How many pages are reachable from Wikipedia's page on the Rust programming language in two hops? Around 30,000, it turns out, including pages on wheat flour, Welsh orthography, and the zombie apocalypse.

As it turns out, it's super easy to do this exploration using asynchronous Rust code. Wikipedia offers a cute little REST API for querying links, and it's easy to use Serde to generate requests and parse replies. And if you're feeling guilty about flooding a precious public resource with silly API requests, it's also super easy to do rate limiting.

Jim Blandy will show how to wire up Tokio, Reqwest, and Serde to do the spidering, and whip up a mock server for testing using Warp. The techniques shown work nicely for all kinds of REST API scripting, including, say, GitHub.

Mar 11
Portland Unison Programmers

​The first meeting of the Portland Unison Programmers. Join us regardless of your experience with Unison or programming. We'll meet people and discuss things that interest us about Unison or projects we'd like to work on. Everyone is welcome!

Mar 20
Portland Has Skill: Table Recursion. Code Review: Tensort with Kyle Beechly
Kiln Portland

This is a monthly Haskell-related hangout for Haskellers, Functional Programmers, and nerds of all sorts!

We're starting a new Code Review segment, where someone gets to share a project, go through the code, and receive critique from the room! Lyle kicked us off last month with an impromptu review of his natural deduction proof verifier. This month we'll be reviewing my own Tensort!

Location is Kiln Portland in the Cactus Room. We should be visible from the front door, or text the phone number on the front door and we will let you in! There are also many food carts nearby for more dining options.

All are welcome!
